Are You Ready To Sell More Products And Turn More Site Visitors Into Paying and Loyal Customers?

I help ecommerce brands and business owners selling physical products online grow into 8 and 9 figures yearly and have happy customers and a freedom lifestyle.

This Coaching Program Is About Money...

Most importantly, it's about making it differently.

Differently, than you've been trained to make it.

And differently than every other entrepreneur around you. Why is that so important?

Because how you generate income not only determines how you run your business… it determines how you run your entire life.

This coaching program is not for those who quote "money is the root of all evil"...If you're one of them, I don't know what you're doing here?

You can keep doing things the way you’ve always done them… 

...the accepted “norm” you’ve been conditioned to believe is the only way… and your business and income will always be outside of your control even in 2023.

In other words, if you follow all the traditional ways of building your ecommerce business online, you’ll be…

A SLAVE To Money!

Your personal goals and desires, your family… 

...heck, your entire life will always be relegated to the back burner as you’re forced to “eat what you kill” day in and day out. For the rest of your life.

And I am sure you don't want that in 2021...

This you can change with this coaching program how to become the MASTER of money. With my unique system designed to CREATE AN ECOMMERCE BUSINESS AND LIFESTYLE OF YOUR DREAMS.

After more than 13 years as a serial entrepreneur and spent the last 6 years focusing and specializing in ecommerce, ...I’ve perfected a darn near “can’t fail” system (The M.O.R.E Sales System™)

One that can grow your business EXPONENTIALLY. And produce almost OVERNIGHT sales increases for your ecommerce business.

Are You Working Harder And Longer... With Less And Less To Show For It?

Do you feel stressed out the minute you plop down in front of your computer to work?

And even more stressed when you call it a day?

Do you want more money and more free time… but you keep getting less and less of BOTH?

Now that the barrier to entry is so low for starting a business (thanks to the Internet) ...and competition is everywhere...

...I’m willing to bet it’s tougher than ever for you to make a comfortable living.

And even harder to GROW your business online.

Heck nowadays...

Most Entrepreneurs Don't Know What To Do About Anything!

So they just trudge onward, spending their hard-earned income trying to market and expand their business.

Hoping and praying it will somehow work.

But it rarely does. Or if it does work it never lives up to your expectations.

If all that's not bad enough, there’s been a proliferation of businesses in almost EVERY market willing to cut prices to the bone.

So much price battle going on in the market

Always offering “loss leaders” -- and even totally FREE products -- to steal away as many of your customers as possible.

How In The World Do You Compete Against THAT?

I meet so many business owners who naively believe if they’re really good at whatever they do...

...and the products they offer are top quality... and they keep putting out their “me-too” marketing messages...

...that should be enough to make them successful. It may have worked in the past…

...but it sure ain’t working now. In fact, that stuck-in-a-box thinking will put you on the fast track to bankruptcy.

The Biggest Secret You’re Missing is This: 

Even the best business owner in the world, with the greatest products and services in the world, will struggle and suffer…and even go broke… without a proven, predictable and reliable system that brings you…

A Constant Flow Of New Customers!

This is what The Sales Conversion Machine is focused on helping you achieve.

Never in the history of business, advertising and marketing have we been in a more precarious position. We live in very uncertain and insecure times. And the times they are-changing'. On an almost DAILY basis.

So fast in fact, if you can't keep up you'll be left behind to wither and die.

While those who do keep up grow and prosper. So, stop holding back.

Who Is This For

  • This is for you if you're currently selling physical products online and want to grow your business into making multiple 8 figures yearly.

  • You should be a business person willing to do what it takes to take their business to greater heights and you know businesses run on numbers like an investor seeking an ROI

  • You want to start scaling your business while maintaining high ROI

  • You want a peer group of others at or above your level so you can raise your standards

What This Will Help Your Achieve

Here are somethings you stand to achieve work with me and my team

1. Have a structured plan of running your business day to day

2. Build your business on a solid foundation

3. Build a solid customer acquisition system that converts strangers into customers in 7 days

4. Convert Strangers to paying customers with sales at a conversion rate of 30% or higher

5. Approach your advertising like a scientist

6. Run your entire business by the numbers so it's predictable, consistent and highly profitable

How It Works

This program delivers on its promise based on 9 foundational elements


4-week virtual training and templates with step-by-step instructions (no detail omitted). You're about to be handed a predictable system proven to generate results over and over again.

It doesn't matter when it's implemented. As long as you follow instructions and implement it correctly in your business, results are sure.


Get all the tools required to build, test, manage and optimize all your business systems.

One way to make your journey easier and quicker is to invest in tools that will help automate most of your work.

The bills can quickly add up as you start investing into tools. What we have done is take away that burden from you and provide you the right tools in one place.

Because we want you to focus on things that bring you the most results in your business.

So you never have to worry about what tool to use or how to get it.


We understand not everyone works at the same pace and life can easily happen and people forget "why" they started in the first place

This is why you need an accountability partner who will hold you accountable to your word daily every step of the way.


You get monthly QnA calls for 3 months where you ask questions and get answers.

The right coaching can make a lot of difference in your sales process and business.

And not only are you having someone who has gone through battle-tested methods to walk you step by step

You also have access to a dedicated support team during this period. And it doesn't matter what you're going to face in your business, we always have answers to your questions.


Because we have done it and have the data to back it up and you don't have to waste time and money on trial and error in search of what works.

About (Jonathan Melody)

After Many years of trial and error marketing, Jonathan Melody finally discovered the holy grail to marketing online and have mastered the use of sales funnel to generate millions from his...

...ecommerce business for himself and clients for the past 7 years and have taught his methods to thousands of people with many recording breathtaking results. . 

He is the author of the bestselling book "10XEcommerce Secrets" and the founder of a community of ecommerce experts "10X Ecom Club"

He's also the co-founder of a software company that helps ecommerce businesses market, sell, track and scale their business online without any technical skills

What Makes This Different

Unlike the conventional courses out there where you're given a bunch of videos and left to go hang and try, this is a coaching program that is backed by data where you're not only provided with all the tools needed, you also have access to a dedicated support on almost any issue you're likely to face in your business (This is unheard of in the industry).

Our goal for you here is so you can finally have the freedom you've always wanted and do things on your own terms and provide adequately for yourself and loved ones.

Note: This is proven to work over and over again when correctly applied. No more trial and error marketing to find out what works and what doesn't

Here’s What People Are Saying


My Wife Doubted Me

My lovely wife doubted me and instead or arguing, I went to work to prove her wrong.

It wasn't easy combining this with my 8-7 paid job but Jonathan supported me and God blessed my efforts.

Today, my wife is the Managing director of the same business she doubted after seeing the monthly turnover running into millions.

Even my brother is currently all over me to put him through after showing him a credit alert of 700k+ for a week sales...This is excluding delivery fees and advertising fee.


I Now Make More Than My Monthly Salary

At the point of deciding to start my ecommerce business, I was torn between getting a training from a self acclaimed guru and Mr Jonathan's program because I was receiving emails from both of them.

Initially I went with the popular guy, bought the training materials for 10k but was full of just talks with no practical steps/guide. Even the support system was nothing to write home about.

Because I couldn't run with that program, I decided to go for Jonathan's program and the content was beyond my expectation.

Since I got this program, I have been selling just one product and my income have never remained thesame. This business is currently giving me more than my monthly salary.

And talking about the support system, it's hard to find anywhere. Mr Jonathan, God bless you real good.


I Was Amazed The Day I Made 1m in Sales

I came across Jonathan's ad on Facebook when I was at the point of depression.

I signed up for his training and after listening to the video, I was torn between doing it myself using what he taught in the training and registering to become one of his students.

And that was how I got started as one of his students. It wasn't easy at first but with Jonathan's support and other members of the community, Things picked up.

I was amazed the day I made 1m from sales and this was during the kov19 period.

God will keep blessing you for me Jonathan

How To Get Started

If you're a business person selling physical products or intend starting and understand that business run on numbers and are interested in a mastermind and a community and coaching to help maximize profits, give your customers results and your own happiness

Schedule a call by clicking the button below and somebody from our team will give you a call to see if this is a good fit for you. If you have any questions, just click the WhatsApp icon on this page to talk to someone.

Join Over 1000 Other Business Owners Who Already Are Boosting Their Sales And Conversions Using The SALES CONVERSION MACHINE

Still Want To See More?

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ecommerce business

My Final Thoughts

I'm proud to have finally perfected this system after years of failures, trials and errors, time and money invested...This is why I don't just want to hand you a course but guide you through the implementation of a working marketing system and I hope you'd allow me help you generate more sales for your business.

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EARNINGS DISCLAIMER: The 10X Ecommerce Blueprint System was created to help those who want to generate income through online product sales. While many have achieved financial success by following the steps outlined in the program, this is not a get-rich-quick program. If you want to find a get-rich-quick scheme, we encourage you to pass us, and we wish you well in your endeavors. Seriously, the internet is full of them…you just won’t find one with us. The products and services offered to 10X Ecommerce Blueprint System participants are exclusively for informational and educational purposes. This program requires hard work, dedication, a focus on consistent learning…and we’ve found that a heart for helping others is pretty dang helpful in both life and business. If you aren’t happy with the program for any reason, we do offer a 365-day, money-back guarantee. Why not 15, 30 or 60 days? Because on Day 15 you will have access to materials with a compilation of over a decade experience. In other words, it’s kind of a big deal. Now here is some legal stuff (you had to know that was coming.) Nothing on this page, any of our associated websites, social media properties, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of future earnings or results. We always recommend using caution and consulting your accountant, lawyer, or professional financial advisor before making any business decision or before acting on this or any other business or financial information. Basically: talk to professionals before you start a business, recognize that all businesses come with an inherent risk, and we don’t guarantee results. Pretty straightforward, right? Good.